Sunday, August 16, 2009

What I did this weekend 3/5

Went to Horizon and Scitech on Saturday morning. Wow, such excitement!

It wasn't all that exciting, actually, but it was lovely to
anticipate, to feel dizzy from the omni screen and to play carefree
with the science. The fun displays I remembered are gone - no plastic
tongue, no finger buzzer, and when did they remove the spinning tunnel?

The baby chickens were still there, though, and one looked mighty
exhausted after breaking through her shell. What will happen to her
when she grows up, I wonder? Will she produce future eggs for the
incubator, or find a way into my tummy on a Friday night?

Hit the pub afterwards to work off all that learning, and talk about
watching District 9.

1 comment:

Jaase said...

Nice one. I went at night, with no little kids. Packed as though.