Friday, October 23, 2009

ioiojooijoijijij,ijij (aka. friday night nothings)

There is a drunk, hairy person reading over my shoulder as I type this. His name is Chris, and he just got back from an office party, where he was one of the evening's photographers. He took 10GB of photos this evening, and has come home to a chilli con carne and brown rice dinner.

On this cosy Friday night, four farty 20-somethings are sitting around a tv, playing Forza Motorsport 3 and eating chewy potato chips. It is a good night.

Have had a deliberately uneventful last couple of weeks. Been watching SO MUCH DEXTER OH MY GOD. What I really like about the show is how it looks at what it means to be normal, to fit in, to live your own life, to identify and accept your own morals as yours. You can probably tell I'm having to check myself every so often for sympathising with a sociopath.

In "sandy makes stuff" news, the music project I've been working on has been going well. Been relaxed about it lately. Hope to have something to show for it soon. Really excited to show my folks - who've been so pro-music at me all my life.

Sent a small bundle of mélange zine to Format Zine Shop in Adelaide. They should get there in a couple of weeks - if anyone sees them, can you please send me a picture? :))

HJTT^GH <--- hairy person mashing keyboard

Just finished a mini-zine for fellow writers with writer's block. It's called marbles, my collection of exercises for getting un-stuck - either on the spot or to help with longer-term creative thinking. Hope it helps!

Right, I'm off now to surf more internet and watch more videogame racing. Good evening. :)

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